Applying research to improve
opportunities for Kentuckians
with intellectual and
developmental disabilities

Welcome to Community Quality. We are a research project at the University of Kentucky’s Human Development Institute (HDI).Our goal is to use research to improve opportunities for Kentuckians with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Kentucky National Core Indicators

Community Quality oversees Kentucky’s National Core Indicators® (NCI), an endeavor aimed at positively impacting the lives of Kentuckians’ with developmental disabilities through research efforts. Nationally developed consumer and family satisfaction measures are used to examine outcomes and performance of state agency service providers. The NCI project seeks to develop and improve upon performance indicators of services for individuals with developmental disabilities.

Our Work

Quality Improvement Committee

  • Comprised of University researchers, Kentucky National Core Indicators staff and interviewers, people with disabilities, their families, and DDID staff
  • Addressing issues around the quality of services provided to adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities
  • Providing recommendations for DDID around services areas that need to be addressed.

“We believe that the best way to evaluate a system is to hear directly from those who are most impacted by that system. These reports are more than numbers and graphs, they reflect the perspective of Kentuckians with disabilities and those closest to them.”

Laura Butler

Principle Investigator, Kentucky National Core Indicators Project